In our “age of instant” reality is often obscured or hidden from us. I think everything will happen immediately. I think consequences will be immediate. Sin will be punished immediately and blessings will happen and be given to me immediately. But, when I decide to sin, I don’t see any immediate negative consequences. “When someone…
Category: My Time for Action
I Have an Enemy?
Life is not neutral. There is an enemy of our very being. And he is trying to take us out. He has attempted to take me out several times. Four times he has attempted to physically kill me. The first time was when I was born and not breathing; the most recent was only a…
My Morning Prayer!
“Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust You. Jesus, I come to you in prayer, asking for your guidance.” Be my Guide today. Ps. 143:8 “You are my only God. I am not following any other “god.” Illuminate to me what you want me to do, and let your gentle…
Praise the Lord!
Psalm 150 Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary. Praise Him in the expanse that shows His might. Praise Him for His acts of Power. Praise Him according to His abundant greatness. Praise Him with a blast of the ram’s horn. Praise Him with the harp and the lyre. Praise Him with hand drums…
Living Above The Law
A scribe honestly asked Jesus the question as to which was the greatest commandment? (that I should be doing?) Jesus answered him not only giving him the greatest (love to God) but also the 2nd greatest commandment (love to others). And then said; “You know your scripture, you are not far from the kingdom of…
God Sees Me as His Servant?
“You are my people. I have rescued you and saved you. I have chosen you to be my servants. I am the Lord your God.” (Here is the deal; I rescue you, save you, heal you, provide for you and bless you with safety, abundance and peace. In exchange, you are my servants.) Lev. 25:55 …
Accessing My Promises!
Part 1 of 2 If ….. Then ….. When ….. are the keys to promises that have been given to me from God. “Now, IF you faithfully obey the Lord your God, and are careful to follow(do) all the commands that He has given and is giving you each day, THEN the Lord your God…
Walk Boldly! You Are Covered!
“He will command His angels in regard to you, to protect and defend and guard you in all your ways of obedience and service.” Ps.91:9-16 One of the very important truths that I learned from my father is that if I am obeying the Lord in whatever manner it is that He is directing me,…
The Attitude of Praise!
Job was complaining about how horribly wrong things were going and God seemingly didn’t care. “Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said: ‘Who is this that obscures My plans with words without knowledge? … Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? … Brace yourself like a man; …
Having the Mind of Christ
When we are having the “mind of Christ” we connect with thinking along with the thinking of what God is thinking. Ok … read that three times slowly. Narcissism thinks God is thinking what I am thinking. But, of course He is not. Narcissism comes from being stuck in child relational mode where I…
God does not use fear to guide His people. Fear is a paralyzing place and a bad place to stay. Our enemy, the evil one, uses fear as one of his primary weapons against us. He wants to keep us in fear. Fear is undermined trust. Enemy mode with God is when I fear that…
“Though a righteous person falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin.” Pr.24:16 “Therefore, let all who are mature think this way. … we should (get up and) live up to whatever truth we have obtained. … Pay careful attention to those who live according to the example of…
How Difficult Do I Make It?
Discipline of the Lord is part of the maturity process. Perseverance is required for maturity and healing to take place. James1:4,12 Perseverance is persistence in doing something despite the difficulty involved in doing it. God is healing and maturing everyone who is pursuing Him. However, I hinder His process. I am the one who make…
Am I A Human Doing?
Do waa diddy diddy dum diddy Do …… I am a human doing so many things and hopefully all the “right” things. As a relational “child” or “adult” I most generally get my feelings of self worth from all the things I do or can do! However, I get sooo tired of all the doing…
“It’s ALL of me for ALL of You, in ALL I say and ALL I do ….. !!!! “Lord, teach me how You want me to live! … Make me wholeheartedly committed to You. … Then I will do what You say and follow your commands. … For you alone are great and do amazing…
A Beacon Of Hope!
Having been born and raised in the mountainous jungles of South America, I loved exploring and discovering all the hidden birds, animals, streams, plants, trails, and I even found a quartz vein of gold down in a bend in the river where the rock cliff was exposed. It was all my secret world that only…
The “Tree” I am Picking From
FORBIDDEN FRUIT: The tree of the knowledge of good and evil; Gen.2:8,9,15-17 This tree is largely forgotten and slides under the radar of most evangelical Christians. It is the most inconspicuous malfunction that we have. There is only one directive given about it. DO NOT EAT FROM IT, DO NOT USE IT. ….. Why? ….. Because, the…
Jesus, My Suggester?
As a born again believer, I walk with Jesus through life. He is always with me. However, I have the choice of totally letting Him be my Guide or I can just let Jesus be the one who suggests things and then I decide what and how to follow His “suggestions”. This is the big…
My Prayer Partner!
When I don’t know what or how to pray for what is going on in my life, “the Holy Spirit prays for me with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.” “The Holy Spirit helps me in my weakness.” For the Holy Spirit prays for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. And the…
Where Is My Backup?
I boldly walk forth into my new adventure. This is going to be Awesome! I have lined up some resources and contacted those who are going to accompany me on this adventure. The weather is fair and the time seems right. Only a few little clouds in sight. I had heard a voice that all…