How long are relationships supposed to last? I form one permanent bond with Jesus which brings me life. This living bond goes through this earthly life and on into the next. I am now for ever alive! For those of us who are alive we are to attach to all of our brothers and sisters…
Category: Uncategorized
I Know You and I Love You!
Is it better to learn? OR Is it better to love? “If someone thinks he knows something, he does not yet know to the degree that he needs to know. Thinking that I know puffs up. However, love builds up. If I Love God, God knows me and loves me and builds me up!” 1Cor.8:1b,2,3…
I Am a Relationally Mature Parent!
Am I A Relationally Mature Parent?? Quick Test What does Relational Maturity look like? When I am a relationally mature “parent” what do my own family and those around me see and feel?? They will see consistency ….. They will see and feel calmness in the midst of chaos ….. They will see healthy relational…
Slaying Dragons!
I just don’t have the capacity; I am barely able to function and survive the day. I need a break, I am frazzled and fried. It is really hard to just make it through each day …. I don’t need another list of things to do. I can barely tolerate spending time with you …….
Timing is Everything!
Timing is everything! A simple statement that we have all heard. If I throw a line with a hook into the river where the salmon are rushing upstream to spawn and the fish is passing by my special spot with its mouth open and my line and hook enter that one inch opening of the…
Not “Cool”!
My mind and brain is designed for a relational world where everything is in harmony. I need a place to be securely connected. Jesus offers me that connection. As I connect with Him and His people, I have a strong, healthy, secure, place to belong. This allows me to be open and transparent with where…
The Great Illusion
The great illusion of life is the primary device that Satan uses to deceive people. Satan doesn’t create anything, but he destroys everything. That is his goal; To destroy what God has created. However he presents everything as an illusion: The thing that will destroy me is presented as attractive, pleasing to the eye, desirable,…
Part of The Way or In the Way?
Jesus primary purpose in coming here to earth was to bring us life! Without Jesus and His provisions for us we are all dead people walking aimlessly about. On my recent vacation I had hours to sit in the airports and observe people in their various groups. From what I saw and heard, most of…
Make Believe Land
Americans are generally living an “as if life”. I live life in an “as if self.” This is the “make believe” part of our brain that we all have and were created with. This is in the simulator (observer) location closer to Prefrontal Cortex which is on the left side of my brain. As young…
Is It Too Late? Do I Really Matter?
Are my chances all gone? There is so much water gone under the bridge. Does God really care? Am I of any use to God? Will I be the same or different a year from now? Do I want to be more relationally mature and better connected to God and to my scattered family and…
That Perfect One!
What is perfection? Jesus said “Be perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matt.5:48 If Jesus said it, it must be important! Those who live in “perfect country” as a part of their personality trait, cheer this idea of perfection. It’s got to be the best and the perfect! The perfect job, the…
My Love Base
A simple starter question: Is who I am and how I operate based on love coming in? Or, going out? So, how do I see love? ….. I have a friend who made an interesting comment; “I know they didn’t love me …” I pondered that statement and later asked; “What made you think they…
Checking My Love
Today let’s do a little check up on how my love is doing. As God’s family we are to be known to the rest of the world who are not alive spiritually by the way we as God’s children love each other. “See how they love one another!” So what do other people see when…
My Walk Back In Time
As I return from vacation to a time of sharing with you some of the many thoughts and insights and learning and maturing that I have been experiencing over the last few weeks; I start by sharing that I am on a walk that continually transforms me. The transformation has points, times, and circumstances that…
Gone Fishing!
For those of you who follow my daily meditations: I am headed to the far North for a couple of weeks and to chase a few fish and hear from the Lord who blesses us with all the marvels of nature and the world He created for us to enjoy! So since you really want…
Anxiety, calm down; Anxiousness, be still; And there was a great calm. “You will keep me in perfect peace IF my mind is stayed on You, because I trust in You.” Isaiah26:3 To begin with, I am letting You be my guide and I am committed to following You. I trust You because I know…
The Lord is My Refuge!
“IF you make the Lord your refuge, IF you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For He will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands…. The Lord says ‘I will rescue those who…
What A Way To Walk and Be!
“I do not claim ownership of my words; they are a gift from the One who sent me. If anyone is willing to act (do) according to His purposes and is open to hearing truth, he will know the Source of my teachings.” John 7:16-18 “If you are My children, you will do the works…
Interacting With Jesus
The Psalms are a treasure chest of interactions with Jesus. Jesus wants to hear what we are feeling and thinking about. For many and as a relational “infant” that is as far as my communication with Jesus goes. A lot of time (years) can be spent at this level as I tell Him what I…
Quick Test: What Am I Thinking?
Today we will do a Relational Maturity Quick Test: We will start with the assumption that I have been “born again” with the Spirit of God living within me, and therefor I have a living relationship with Him: Ok …… Here we go …… Does my mind and do my thoughts mirror or rhyme with God’s thoughts? …