“Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised,… the Joy of the whole earth.” Ps.48:1,2. Great calls for greatness, and Deep calls for depth, and Holy calls for holiness, and Love calls for love, and Joy calls for joy … God is the apex of it all and calls for us to approach and…
Category: Uncategorized
Solve the Riddle
A RIDDLE: FACING 2 22 20 I beheld a person with head held high, eyes looking intently and jaw set firmly facing to the right. I beheld the body and torso as if in anticipation of action facing to the left. 1. Solve the riddle. 2. Who is that person?
Hearing From Scripture
WAYS TO HEAR AND SEE WHAT GOD IS SAYING TO ME A scripture or saying grabs my attention; Hmm, God has something here for me. I look for the “Ifs” of scripture and promises; “ If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways,…
Talk to Me, I am Listening
Relational Maturity: The first sign that I am maturing relationally is that I am eager to listen to you and understand what you are saying in order to attune to you. So, What is listening? When I listen to the forest, how do I listen and what do I hear? When I listen to a…
Jesus In The Now
JESUS NOW Who is this Jesus? He is Immanuel meaning God with us; Jesus with me?! Jesus is with me always! Through the darkest valley, through the darkest night, through the corona fight. “I am with you to the end!” “I will never leave you or forsake you!” He is vastly superior and…
Keeping My Love On
BASIC FAITH Our faith is based on PRINCIPLES that Jesus taught. There are only 2 Basic Principles as taught by Jesus. Religion teaches and relies on Rules and Law. Try as hard as I might this approach will never work. Our tendency is to try and make the Principles into Laws. Principles are a Heart…
I Changed My Mind
CHANGING MY MIND: Genuine repentance will result in a changed Mind. My changed mind then leads to different actions and ways of living and acting. Being transformed by the renewal of my Mind. Have I changed my mind about that? Yes, I don’t believe that anymore. Well then, I have repented! Have my actions…
Love Is Everything
LOVE: “God is Love.” 1 John 4:7.8 Being filled with Love fills us with God. Eph.3:19 If I am not filled with Love, I am empty. 1Cor.13: “Love surpasses knowledge” Eph. 3:19 Love surpasses faith and hope. 1Cor.13: Love surpasses generosity. 1Cor.13: “Live with all humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another in love.”…
Made in My Image
“God made man in His own image.” On father’s day, my daughter-in-law sent me a card where she had written, “Thank you for making Troy!”(my son) As I smiled and pondered the statement, I realized the profound truth found in it. I am literally making my children and those around me in my image. We…
Meditating on His Ways
“Blessed is the one who does not walk in harmony with the wicked or build with the ways that sinners take, or hang out with those who mock the truth. Those who are blessed delight in the ways and rules of the Lord. So I meditate on His rules and ways day and night and…
At Peace With Jesus In Charge
God gives rest to those he loves. We will struggle, even though we work hard at it, unless the Lord is in charge of whatever we are attempting to build; a business, house, program, school, family, counseling, life …. I am to be building with the Lord in charge. The Lord is the Foreman and…
Relaxing With Jesus
”The Lord rules over all. How blessed are those who trust in You!” Ps. 84:12 Making it personal; “The Lord rules over me and everything in my life. How blessed I am because I trust in Jesus. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word, Just to rest upon…
Do The Day
This is the day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Ps. 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made for me! So, What season and Day am I In? “As your day so shall your strength be.” Work while it is day because the night comes…
Creating a New Norm
*Jesus teaching and miracles were so impactful and relevant to everyday life that people came out from wherever they were to find Him in the open spaces. These spaces were not in the confines of the traditional church or synagogue or debate center. There was open freedom to present the kingdom of life to all…
A Good Day or Bad?
*Jesus talks directly to us about things that we are heading into that are wrong. … He lets us know we are failing and going to fail. He doesn’t try to physically stop us. A spirit of evil enters our sphere and I then walk with it out into failure. Jesus then looks over at…
Texting the Lord
We text more than we pray now. …
We need to Mature and Be Like Him
“Suddenly a violent storm arose in the sea around them and they were overwhelmed feeling they were being swamped by all the chaos. To make matters worse, Jesus seemed oblivious to the whole thing. The disciples (God’s followers) came to Him in a panic saying ‘Do something or we are going to die.’ Jesus answered…
I Can Always Come Into Your House
“ I pray to You in the morning Lord and you hear my voice; In the morning I lay out my requests before You and then wait expectantly. … Because of Your great love, I can always come into Your house. Lead me Lord in Your righteousness today and make Your way straight before me….
Consider This
“Pause; And clearly understand what this means and how to apply it in your life. ‘I desire mercy and not things you bring Me.’ This means that I want you to show mercy to your family and to those who are malfunctioning and immature around you. I want you to be gentle and merciful to…
It’s my Right Brain in and my Left Brain out
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart (right brain), and do not rely on your own understanding (left brain); In all your ways know Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Pr.3:5,6