Just how can I get God to answer my prayers?? As relational “children” we go to great length to try and discover how I can get God to answer my prayers. I started making a list of the ways I heard being proposed as to how I could maybe get God to move and answer…
Category: Uncategorized
The Lost Art of Following
Jesus came to earth looking for who? And what did He find? One of the strengths of children is that they can do it themselves. “I don’t need help, I can do it by my self. I will take the lead and show you. A relational level mature child will want to lead! They will…
Joy Sparkles!
I partner with the Holy Spirit.. He is very active but talks very little. I talk with Him and He takes care of the things in the Spirit realm that I can’t do. But, I must be ready to do my part when He says, “OK it’s your turn.” My turn is often quite simple. It’s…
I See You!
I am the Lord your God. As the Lord, I am in charge of you. I see you! As your God, I am the One and only ultimate Power and your Creator; I am the only One who can save you. I am the only One to be worshiped. I have, for whatever reason, always…
I Bless You With Grace and Peace
Grace and Peace!! I give you peace that the world cannot give. How is that? Because I am the only One you can trust who gives you grace. This grace gives you an identity and a place to belong. It is everything you need to live a good, joyful, secure life! Good; because I cover…
The Pit of Torment
There is no rest for the wicked and the righteous don’t need it. Or, …. do they? I remember a conversation that my mother had with my uncle who had “fallen from grace” (whatever that meant). My mother was very much a relational child and the rules had to be closely followed or the boogy…
Whenever I Am Afraid
Whenever I am feeling anxious and fearful; I dash about, I scream and shout, and flail about. To calm myself I grab my phone and text my friends about my cares and woes, I hit search and what to my wandering eyes should appear but 8 tiny reindeer and look at that! I need one…
Jumpin Jehosaphat!
An Active Dream is a dream that hasn’t been fulfilled as of yet. This is one of those dreams. One night about 3 years back I dreamed that I had received a special gift and that I was to use it to bring life and wholeness to people. The gift was in a gift wrapped…
Is God Sleeping?
The Lord suddenly moves as if He has been sleeping. He puts to disgrace those who are attacking and rejects those who are not following His plans for the good of His people. He chooses “me” His servant and takes me from keeping care of the birds and deer and brings me into being a…
Pass the Blessings : Please!
I am Passing the Blessings on to my family: I had very few deep, meaningful conversations with my father. He was a man of few words. The most powerful and meaningful for me came at the end of his life here. I found this today penned and tucked away in some of my notes; It…
Operating in Confidence!
*If you want to live and operate in the full strength of My blessing, then; “Believe in Me and in the words that I speak to you in every situation, and wait for these words to be fulfilled in the time that I appoint. Lift Me up as the One in control and uphold Me…
Just Like Jesus
What Did Jesus Do? He didn’t waste time in argument or debate …. He fed the hungry who came to Him …. He asked those who came to Him what it was that they wanted from Him and then gave it to them in some form …. He carried life that was available to all…
The Subtle Trick of the Enemy
The big fat lie … When I believe a lie I give the devil, who is my real “enemy,” a foothold to allow more lies to be spread within my ways of thinking and acting. Let’s take the simple lie; “I have no value or worth“. Says who? The truth is; I am a unique…
The 3 Top Pursuits That Destroy Relationship
The 3 Top Destructive Life Pursuits GOLD GLAMOUR GIRLS (or GUYS) These pursuits are most often long term and destroy intimate relational connections. What RM (relational maturity) level person is most likely following one of these pursuits? Is it I ?
My Guide “The Gentle Wise Drone”
This was a dream I had mixed with it’s interpretation. The dream parallels a lot of Proverbs chapter 8. I was on a serious journey walking along unmarked roads headed for the City of Choices where I was told that I could take my pick of the important choices of life. The road I was…
I Trust My Guide
“Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust You. I come to You in prayer, asking for your guidance.” Ps. 143:8 “You are my God. So show me what You want me to do, and let your gentle Spirit lead me in the right path.” Ps. 143:10
My 4 Life Guides
MY UNDERLYING LIFE GUIDES: I have adopted the following 4 GUIDES for my daily living operations! The first three are shared with us by Jim Wilder of Live Model although he does not call them guides. Each guide has many implications, ramifications, and applications. These will be expanded individually in separate writings. 1. Talk to…
Jesus In Disguise
I have a daily routine of feeding my chickens and horses in the morning. When my bouncing 4 year old granddaughter is here, she loves to go with me to help. It is all an exciting adventure for all of us including the chickens and horses. One morning when I was in a hurry and…
The Irretrievably Lost Spinner
As I was walking down the bluff to feed my horses one morning recently, I caught a glimpse of something shiny way back under a low hanging juniper in a deer bed. I debated for a minute if I should crawl through the brush and into the deer bed. But, I got down on all…
Enduring the Pain for the Joy
“For the Joy set before Him He (Jesus) endured the pain of the cross.” Heb. 12:2 What was the joy? It is the relationship that He is now able to have with us (me)! I so enjoy being with you as we do this life together! I am in joy as we attune and relate. Wow,…