“I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me. No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safety.” Ps. 16:7-9 I often come to the…
Category: Love
Relationships That Last!
How long are relationships supposed to last? I form one permanent bond with Jesus which brings me life. This living bond goes through this earthly life and on into the next. I am now for ever alive! For those of us who are alive we are to attach to all of our brothers and sisters…
I Know You and I Love You!
Is it better to learn? OR Is it better to love? “If someone thinks he knows something, he does not yet know to the degree that he needs to know. Thinking that I know puffs up. However, love builds up. If I Love God, God knows me and loves me and builds me up!” 1Cor.8:1b,2,3…
I Am a Relationally Mature Parent!
Am I A Relationally Mature Parent?? Quick Test What does Relational Maturity look like? When I am a relationally mature “parent” what do my own family and those around me see and feel?? They will see consistency ….. They will see and feel calmness in the midst of chaos ….. They will see healthy relational…
My Love Base
A simple starter question: Is who I am and how I operate based on love coming in? Or, going out? So, how do I see love? ….. I have a friend who made an interesting comment; “I know they didn’t love me …” I pondered that statement and later asked; “What made you think they…
Checking My Love
Today let’s do a little check up on how my love is doing. As God’s family we are to be known to the rest of the world who are not alive spiritually by the way we as God’s children love each other. “See how they love one another!” So what do other people see when…
My Walk Back In Time
As I return from vacation to a time of sharing with you some of the many thoughts and insights and learning and maturing that I have been experiencing over the last few weeks; I start by sharing that I am on a walk that continually transforms me. The transformation has points, times, and circumstances that…
The Lord is My Refuge!
“IF you make the Lord your refuge, IF you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For He will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands…. The Lord says ‘I will rescue those who…
My Morning Prayer!
“Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust You. Jesus, I come to you in prayer, asking for your guidance.” Be my Guide today. Ps. 143:8 “You are my only God. I am not following any other “god.” Illuminate to me what you want me to do, and let your gentle…
Am I A Human Doing?
Do waa diddy diddy dum diddy Do …… I am a human doing so many things and hopefully all the “right” things. As a relational “child” or “adult” I most generally get my feelings of self worth from all the things I do or can do! However, I get sooo tired of all the doing…
“It’s ALL of me for ALL of You, in ALL I say and ALL I do ….. !!!! “Lord, teach me how You want me to live! … Make me wholeheartedly committed to You. … Then I will do what You say and follow your commands. … For you alone are great and do amazing…
A True Relational Parent!
Should I be thinking about Living, or dying, or retiring?.. “I am torn between the options (as to what to do). ….. I am often just tired ….. I really long to depart (from the struggles here) and just relax ….. I could just retire with Jesus and not deal with anybody. …… However, if I live…
Where Do I Live?
Let’s do something fun today! Let’s meditate on the famous 23 Psalm, reading it in reverse; ….. …… Pondering and re reading each word and line ….. “I live in the Lord’s house where goodness and faithfulness pursue me every day. You refresh me with oil for my head. My cup is completely full and…
The Heritage!
“One generation commends Your works to another; They tell of Your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of Your majesty … They tell of the power of Your awesome works; They celebrate Your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness; They tell of the glory of Your kingdom, Your kingdom is an…
Being Saved In Every Way!
The Lord is my Salvation, my Strength, and my Song; Salvation is best defined as taking all my lost, scattered, broken, ruined, tarnished parts and bringing them back into the design that was originally created uniquely for me. “I will give thanks to you, O Lord, for though you were angry with me, your anger…
Let Me Punish You
Jesus taught us principles which are better than and higher than laws. However, as a relational “child” I like the laws because with laws I can be the judge, punisher, and the controller of you. With religious laws I can think or say; “You are doing it all wrong and need punished. I feel like…
Crossing The Fast Flowing River
There is always intensity for those of us who love adventure and the great outdoors. Since I was raised in the jungles of South America, life was fun because I also live in “fun country” as my primary personality trait. When I was a young lad ( more than a few decades back) I lived…
Joy Sparkles!
I partner with the Holy Spirit.. He is very active but talks very little. I talk with Him and He takes care of the things in the Spirit realm that I can’t do. But, I must be ready to do my part when He says, “OK it’s your turn.” My turn is often quite simple. It’s…
I Bless You With Grace and Peace
Grace and Peace!! I give you peace that the world cannot give. How is that? Because I am the only One you can trust who gives you grace. This grace gives you an identity and a place to belong. It is everything you need to live a good, joyful, secure life! Good; because I cover…
The Pit of Torment
There is no rest for the wicked and the righteous don’t need it. Or, …. do they? I remember a conversation that my mother had with my uncle who had “fallen from grace” (whatever that meant). My mother was very much a relational child and the rules had to be closely followed or the boogy…