Am I A Relationally Mature Parent?? Quick Test What does Relational Maturity look like? When I am a relationally mature “parent” what do my own family and those around me see and feel?? They will see consistency ….. They will see and feel calmness in the midst of chaos ….. They will see healthy relational…
Category: Family
Slaying Dragons!
I just don’t have the capacity; I am barely able to function and survive the day. I need a break, I am frazzled and fried. It is really hard to just make it through each day …. I don’t need another list of things to do. I can barely tolerate spending time with you …….
Not “Cool”!
My mind and brain is designed for a relational world where everything is in harmony. I need a place to be securely connected. Jesus offers me that connection. As I connect with Him and His people, I have a strong, healthy, secure, place to belong. This allows me to be open and transparent with where…
Part of The Way or In the Way?
Jesus primary purpose in coming here to earth was to bring us life! Without Jesus and His provisions for us we are all dead people walking aimlessly about. On my recent vacation I had hours to sit in the airports and observe people in their various groups. From what I saw and heard, most of…
Is It Too Late? Do I Really Matter?
Are my chances all gone? There is so much water gone under the bridge. Does God really care? Am I of any use to God? Will I be the same or different a year from now? Do I want to be more relationally mature and better connected to God and to my scattered family and…
What A Way To Walk and Be!
“I do not claim ownership of my words; they are a gift from the One who sent me. If anyone is willing to act (do) according to His purposes and is open to hearing truth, he will know the Source of my teachings.” John 7:16-18 “If you are My children, you will do the works…
Quick Test: What Am I Thinking?
Today we will do a Relational Maturity Quick Test: We will start with the assumption that I have been “born again” with the Spirit of God living within me, and therefor I have a living relationship with Him: Ok …… Here we go …… Does my mind and do my thoughts mirror or rhyme with God’s thoughts? …
All In The Family!
“I am writing to all of God’s relational family. As infants, you have been born into Jesus by having your sins forgiven and life is about you in Christ. As the mature elder you see the whole picture from the beginning to the end and you watch out for and encourage the entire family. As…
I Just Can’t Wait
“The Lord isn’t really being slow about His promise, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. … While you are waiting for the things (promised) to happen, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives that are pure and blameless in His sight. And remember, our Lord’s patience gives…
Praise the Lord!
Psalm 150 Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary. Praise Him in the expanse that shows His might. Praise Him for His acts of Power. Praise Him according to His abundant greatness. Praise Him with a blast of the ram’s horn. Praise Him with the harp and the lyre. Praise Him with hand drums…
God Sees Me as His Servant?
“You are my people. I have rescued you and saved you. I have chosen you to be my servants. I am the Lord your God.” (Here is the deal; I rescue you, save you, heal you, provide for you and bless you with safety, abundance and peace. In exchange, you are my servants.) Lev. 25:55 …
“Though a righteous person falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin.” Pr.24:16 “Therefore, let all who are mature think this way. … we should (get up and) live up to whatever truth we have obtained. … Pay careful attention to those who live according to the example of…
Oh …… Crap!
Did you ever wonder where Adam and Eve went to the bathroom? Or did they even go? Did God have a waste management system in place for them to follow while in the “perfect garden”? I just finished cleaning out the horse stalls and the corral. For days, I shoveled piles of horse poop in…
A True Relational Parent!
Should I be thinking about Living, or dying, or retiring?.. “I am torn between the options (as to what to do). ….. I am often just tired ….. I really long to depart (from the struggles here) and just relax ….. I could just retire with Jesus and not deal with anybody. …… However, if I live…
Where Do I Live?
Let’s do something fun today! Let’s meditate on the famous 23 Psalm, reading it in reverse; ….. …… Pondering and re reading each word and line ….. “I live in the Lord’s house where goodness and faithfulness pursue me every day. You refresh me with oil for my head. My cup is completely full and…
The Heritage!
“One generation commends Your works to another; They tell of Your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of Your majesty … They tell of the power of Your awesome works; They celebrate Your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness; They tell of the glory of Your kingdom, Your kingdom is an…
Am I A Child or An Adult?
Jesus relates and understands and attunes to all relational levels way better than I do. I get a glimpse of this in different passages of scripture; “Let the little children (infants) come to me and set them on My knee, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” This is the innate understanding of I…
Crossing The Fast Flowing River
There is always intensity for those of us who love adventure and the great outdoors. Since I was raised in the jungles of South America, life was fun because I also live in “fun country” as my primary personality trait. When I was a young lad ( more than a few decades back) I lived…
I See You!
I am the Lord your God. As the Lord, I am in charge of you. I see you! As your God, I am the One and only ultimate Power and your Creator; I am the only One who can save you. I am the only One to be worshiped. I have, for whatever reason, always…
Pass the Blessings : Please!
I am Passing the Blessings on to my family: I had very few deep, meaningful conversations with my father. He was a man of few words. The most powerful and meaningful for me came at the end of his life here. I found this today penned and tucked away in some of my notes; It…