Judging is like calling the game after the first quarter or at half time. Based on what I am seeing both in myself and in my team mates, I decide to call it quits. I judge that there is not an easy win here or not a win at all. Sooo,, I quit. I do…
Category: Family
Practicing Real Life!
Who do I want to be when I grow up? As infants and children we play a lot of make believe. Social media has opened the door wide open for anyone to pretend to be anything or person they want to be for that time or day. There is no reality governing this make-believe life,…
Living The Hard Life….
Living all of life as a relationally mature (RM) child is extremely hard for and on everyone, including myself as that child. I know the rules and laws of life. Both spiritual laws and laws of the land. However I find that I don’t live out those laws and rules. Since I know the “laws…
Identity Rejection….
There are a lot of jokes and sayings that banter back and forth about the joys and struggles of being a woman or being a man; “Guys have it so easy, they know nothing about the pain of child berth.” “Wives have it so easy because they don’t have to face the world to make…
Anxiety is a form of fear. anxiety involves emotional pain that I feel. I am anxious because I am operating from a relational fear base. Anxiety comes from my fear that things are out of control. They may not be going the way I think they should be. I don’t have enough information to know…
Rules Or Relationship?
As I look back on my life, I realize that as a relational child, I had early marriages based on rules. My relationships were based on following the rules. But, there were sooo many rules; Biblical rules, social rules, my mom’s rules, my wife’s rules….. Rules in relationship are left brain and WAY tiring and…
How Do I Love You?!!
Loving you is one of my responsibilities.…. Loving you is the 2nd greatest relational commandment. Matt.22:39 Soo,, Just how do I love you? Well, Love has many forms. True love is a parental relational combination of all the forms. Love isn’t conditional. Love involves pain. God, as our Father, gave us Jesus who dwelt among…
Is This The End???
As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at our Lord’s return …. Violence will be rampant … Fear will be pervasive …. Men will be lovers of pleasure and not lovers of God …. God will preserve a minority consisting of those who love and follow Him …. Noah was…
Shaken ….
Acts 3 gives us the story of Peter and John boldly healing the lame man on the temple steps. Then they were arrested by the priests for not following protocol and for using the name of Jesus. Acts 4:21 “On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that…
My Responsibilities!!?
Am I responsible for myself? If I am at an infant level of relational maturity, I will feel that someone else is responsible for me and my needs. If I am at a child level of relational maturity, I will feel that someone else has most of the authority and responsibility is still in their…
Prayer Guidelines
Jesus… Teach us how to pray… The following are some clear guidelines from scripture; See if you can find where these guidelines are in scripture. Each one has several references and examples. Every thing and every request is made and covered in Jesus’ name.. There is no other name by which we are saved in…
The Puzzle of Life… Part 2 of 3
So, what are the primary Puzzle pieces of my relational life? If I am a relational child, I will be curious as to what these puzzle pieces are. If I am an infant, I could care less. If I am an adult I will be interested to see if there is anything here that I…
The Puzzle Of Life!
Part 1 of 3…. Ever think about how we are born and grow physically, emotionally and relationally? In general we don’t even think about such things. It just happens. When I grew up life just happened and I never gave such things a thought. All I knew is that at certain ages I was now…
Relationship Heartache….
Relationships are an interesting thing. In relationships I discover a lot about myself. Relationships will quickly bring out how relationally mature I am. The less mature I am, the more expectation I will place on you. This shows up very quickly in marriages. As an infant I expect the other person or spouse to fill…
Eating …. A Test for Relational Maturity?
Some of the simple things of life are the most revealing about how relationally mature we are. How well do I get along with myself? How relationally mature am I during the day in my daily activities? In this little test, I am going to talk about eating and what it reveals about how relationally…
The Goal of Life!
Is God a God of goals.? What all is God trying to accomplish here on this earth? He created the heavens and the earth and then He rested from His creating work. Gen.2:1-4 As I look around our planet I don’t see God doing any new creating or repairs to the planet He created for…
Am I Hindering Relational Maturity?
Without realizing it, our American society is designed to keep most everyone at an infant and child level of RM (relational maturity). This is true of families and also true of the government. Let’s look at some simple, basic examples. As a RM infant I am totally dependent on my mother or someone to keep…
Memorial Day!
I am thrilled to have this day set aside to remember and to express appreciation!!.. One of the keys to a healthy life is to be able to genuinely express appreciation to and for others…… We have set a part of this great day aside to express appreciation in a couple of personal ways. First,…
Legal Doesn’t Mean Godly!
We live in a culture that attempts to legislate all areas of life. If we just have enough laws and rules and freedoms, then we will have peace and harmony in society and within ourselves. But…. Is this true? NO! So why do we try so hard to protect and promote our laws and views?…
Maturity Check Up!
Am I maturing relationally? Do I just hope so or can I really tell that I am different in a good way!? It is a really nice feeling to look at myself and realize that I am better and more mature than I was 5 years ago and even 5 months ago. I am currently…