FORBIDDEN FRUIT: The tree of the knowledge of good and evil; Gen.2:8,9,15-17 This tree is largely forgotten and slides under the radar of most evangelical Christians. It is the most inconspicuous malfunction that we have. There is only one directive given about it. DO NOT EAT FROM IT, DO NOT USE IT. ….. Why? ….. Because, the day I choose to pick from it and use it, I slowly die. It is not redeemable, it is alive and very active, it is not quiet, it presents truth and often scripture but, not the full truth. It is Always wrong; maybe not by much, but just enough to lead me down the wrong path. It doesn’t make me non-Christian; it makes me miserable.
Both John Paul Jackson in his “Understanding Dreams and Visions”, and, Jim Wilder in Life Model Works, “the Sark”; and “Satan’s second strategy, The Picker”; expound and warn of the dangers this tree presents. It is STILL HERE among us. Almost everyone, including Christians, is affected and infected by this tree. One of the best known scriptures about this is; “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and LEAN NOT on your own understanding. (that is your picker). In ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” Pr.3:5,6 So, how does this happen? I choose to go with my own understanding. I don’t trust God with this……
The following exam questions are a sample to see if I am affected by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and if I am using my “picker”.
1. Is this how I see the situation? Or am I seeing it how God sees it?
2. Is there any violation of God’s heart in how I am acting in this situation?
3. Do I need to justify what I am doing?
4. Am I in a hurry to get this messy thing over with so that I can get my life back together? (I need to get through this bad so that I can get back into the good.)
5. Am I compensating for a questionable activity by doing something else that I know God likes and approves? (I will give half of the money I make in this questionable deal to help build an orphanage.)
6. Do I avoid my “good, spiritual friends” during my time in this activity?
7. Am I in a state of SHALOM or in a state of anxiety with my decision?
Note: Think about it (meditate on it). The importance of this is seen as it is the very first warning and issue with us as human beings that is recorded in scripture. Is it a “Tree” issue? ….. or ….. Is it a “Trust” issue? What maturity levels would be most likely to pick from this “tree”? We will pick up the picker issue in a 2nd “picker” meditation.