As a born again believer, I walk with Jesus through life. He is always with me. However, I have the choice of totally letting Him be my Guide or I can just let Jesus be the one who suggests things and then I decide what and how to follow His “suggestions”. This is the big difference shown to us in the Bible between Saul and David. David was mature enough to realize that God saw the entire picture in everything and as a result he totally let God be his Guide and followed Him wholeheartedly in everything, even after failures. As a result, David walked in God’s blessings. On the other hand, Saul who appears to be at the maturity level of a “child” always ended up doing things his own way or at least partially his way. As a result, Saul walked in God’s judgments, which is not a good place to be.
“Samuel said to Saul, … I have anointed you, at which time the Lord changed your heart and the Spirit of the Lord came upon you; so listen now to the messages from the Lord. … Go and attack that which was evil and totally destroy all of it; The Lord Almighty will give you the strength and favor to do it. … However, Saul did not obey completely and saved desirables and tried to justify what he was doing by saying he was giving the choice animals to the Lord as gifts and sacrifices. Samuel replied: ‘Did the Lord ask you to bring offerings and sacrifices? It is way better to simply obey than to decide and follow what you want to do. This is the sin of divination which is thinking that what you decide and do and hear in your own mind, is more important than doing what God simply tells you. This arrogance is like idolatry in that you reject the simple word of the Lord and bow down to what you decide’…. Saul did not repent and the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and an evil spirit took His place and tormented him.” 1Sam.10:9,11:6,15:22-23,16:14
Satan has a heyday when I choose to only let Jesus be my “suggester”. He will then generally plays some of his “ace” cards like his great neutralizing card of fear and anxiety. This is the card that Satan uses to control the entire world.
Having walked both ways; I just choose to let Jesus be my Guide through Life and follow Him wholeheartedly in everything! I really enjoy walking in His blessings!