When I don’t know what or how to pray for what is going on in my life, “the Holy Spirit prays for me with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.” “The Holy Spirit helps me in my weakness.” For the Holy Spirit prays for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. And the Father knows our hearts and knows what the Spirit is praying and asking for.
That being the case I can rest assured that God will hear the Holy Spirit’s prayers for me and will in all things work together for my good (even though there may be a lot of pain and it may not feel good especially if He is removing some thing or some one from me). This happens because He knows my heart. …… I want His purposes and will to be done in my life even though it may hurt and is not what I had originally been thinking or planning or asking for!” Rom.8:26-28
So, I don’t need to have the right prayer language or the correct intensity or the correct posture. I just need to have God’s Holy Spirit living in me. I sincerely bring my request to Jesus and say “not my will, but, Thy will be done.” And my prayer partner, the Holy Spirit, takes it from there! Once He takes it, It will be done! God’s way!
Note; This is a tough and almost impossible way to pray if I am an infant only wanting my way, or a child relationally thinking that I can do it myself and I have all the correct rules for getting things done my way.