Who is this Jesus?
He is Immanuel meaning God with us; Jesus with me?! Jesus is with me always! Through the darkest valley, through the darkest night, through the corona fight. “I am with you to the end!” “I will never leave you or forsake you!”
He is vastly superior and yet connects perfectly with me. He knows me inside and out. I don’t have to educate Him or convince Him that He is wrong or lacking in something. He is all Sufficient! So, I can connect and talk with him at any time about anything and He gets it.
He is Love and His Love is amazing. There is nothing that will keep Him from loving me. His love has no conditions. I love you just as you are and will help you mature in life! He always has good for me! Only the perfect parent has this kind of love! But Jesus has this for me!! His love teaches me how to love! His love makes me want to mature! I want to love Him and others as deeply as He does!
He takes away my sin! He washes me clean! “There is therefore no more condemnation!” He holds nothing against me! He keeps no account of wrongs. Woohoo! I am free from the law of sin and death (which is; you did bad so you need punished). At Easter I celebrate Jesus taking my sins upon Himself, setting me free and giving me new life!
He is in me! Not only is He with me, but He is in me! Jesus in me the hope of glory! His Spirit is now in me! This gives me the confidence and ability to: Have instant access to Him; See what He sees in a situation; Have His mind infuse and mesh with my mind; Allow Him to take the steering wheel and control of my life! Now Jesus and I go and do everything together while we continually communicate about everything!
He directs my paths! As I trust totally in Him and don’t lean on my own understanding of things (listening to the Sark) I have the peace and confidence in Him to be able to trust Him! This is JESUS NOW!