The Answer is Yes. It is often both a truth and a trick. Our enemy the devil, loves to take a truth and then twist it so that we fall for it. This is a trick. This becomes a snare for us when we believe the twisted truth and act on it. The very first Truth and trick happened in the Garden of Eden. We are given the story in Gen.3 .. We are all familiar with the story. What we tend to forget is that that same scenario is being played out over and over in our times and in each of our lives.
I will highlight some of these tricks as they have appeared and continue to appear in my life. Satan is the master deceiver. His delight is in deceiving and then permanently enslaving those he has tricked. Deceit has an element of truth in it and scripture is often quoted. However it is not the Whole truth and nothing but the truth. This truth is usually brought through someone or a source we have some confidence in. Sometimes I twist the truth myself in order to justify my actions.
And how does the enslavement happen.? Sometimes it is physical through drugs, addictions, culture, pride, trauma, law, guilt, my relational maturity level, or perhaps I have built my whole life style around the trick …. Satan will pretty much use anything that he knows I am susceptible to and that he can use as a trap for me.
The Trick or Truth we are going to look at here has become quite pervasive in recent years. It goes like this.: “Everything is good, all is well.” This is a slippery slope that rapidly leads to destruction. The only hint of truth in this is that God works in all things to bring good out of often very bad situations. He may be exposing evil for us so that it is clearly seen for what it is…. Evil….. I am definitely tricked if I believe that everything is good. Scripture tells us; “Whoa unto those who call evil good and good evil. Who put darkness for light and light for darkness. Isaiah 5:20 Whoa means; STOP… you are on the wrong path.