Jesus… Teach us how to pray… The following are some clear guidelines from scripture; See if you can find where these guidelines are in scripture. Each one has several references and examples.
Every thing and every request is made and covered in Jesus’ name.. There is no other name by which we are saved in every way. I speak the name of Jesus all the time, over everything, over every one, and in every situation. At the name of Jesus, everything bows and comes to life.
We approach with authority given to us by Jesus. I have authority because I am His son. We stand before the Lord of the universe as the one in authority of the territory, family, and of those He has placed in our care. Jesus, I bring You my child…. Job covered his children every day in prayer.
I only have authority if I have clean hands and a pure heart. I will receive nothing if I am harboring sin. The only prayer that will be granted in this case is a prayer of repentance. “Lord, be merciful to me a sinner.” “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much.”
In praying for others not in my care, I only have authority as I come into agreement with the other person. Even Jesus always asked the person what they wanted and then agreed with them in answering their request. I may stand in as a parent, or father, or mother for someone who doesn’t have a spiritually alive elder or person in authority. Perhaps, even as a priest. Where 2 or 3 agree….
Ultimately, we pray in agreement with the will of God in general and also in this current situation we bring before Him. That is why we are told to call for the mature elders who are listening to the Holy Spirit and who have a more clear picture of what God is up to. When we don’t know how to pray we let the Holy Spirit pray through us. This is a clear prayer that God understands.
We will naturally pray with the relational maturity level we have. This may be as an infant or child in which case I will be thinking that everything is about me. God sees things as a loving parent and King of the universe. He is working all things (including mine) together for the good of all of us who love Him and have been called according to His purposes.
When there is a delay, there is a reason. I may be requesting something for my own desires (lusts…) Another person may be involved and they are not in agreement or need to mature or are in sin. Evil forces may be involved and hindering the response. Whatever the case, Jesus does hear me and is listening. Spiritual forces are set in motion by my sincere prayers. In the fullness of time it will come to pass as He sees fit.
A thought to ponder…. I have no authority or power except as has been given to me by the Holy Spirit through Jesus. This only comes by me being in intimate relationship with Him. This is not a business relationship. If I walk away, I lose my authority and become useless in prayer.