Not by might nor by power, but, by My Spirit says the Lord God Almighty! Zach.4:6
As I am in covenant with Jesus, my life is also not run by power and control, but, by the gentle covering of His wings as I walk humbly with Him! He is my Gentle Protector! So, I don’t pounce out as a cat from under a rock ledge and use God’s covering as a base for my attacks on others. I at times think that I should use my might and power since God isn’t using His. That was Saul’s downfall.
As I am in contact with and deal with others in daily life, I am not alone. I am walking with my Gentle Protector. He has and is asking me to operate only one simple way. That is to love and be kind to everyone. When I get scared and draw my sword and start chopping off peoples ears, He tells me to put my might and power away and He will handle things with His Spirit and with whatever force He needs to use.
I notice all the power and force that was actually on display during Jesus arrest, His trial, His crucifixion, His resurrection, His ascension, and Pentecost…… no one was harmed or blown to smithereens or banished … At times Jesus was silent and other times He answered with soft spoken parables that made others think …. His actions speak very loudly to me.
I currently often find myself thinking about beating others down into proper behavior. However, since “a gentle answer turns away wrath” Pr.15:1, I need to mature and cultivate the art of calling others up into who God created them to be! This maturity is much more gentle and peaceful. This is also what Jesus does and my spirit needs to align with His!