How dark is it? How clearly can I see? And what do I hear? Does all seem dark and dreary? A gloomy fog is in the air and in many people’s space. It seems that others see and feel this gloom and doom also. There is a hopeless feeling. These are all statements I am hearing from some of those around me. I turned on the news and some main stream channels were saying how dark it was. But, a couple of sources and channels were saying how bright it was!? However, I am not feeling or seeing the dark and gloom. I am seeing a bright sun coming up, the mountains are a sparkling white with bright new snow; and birds are singing. !
So, this morning I paused, and asked my Guide the Holy Spirit; What is it that others are seeing that makes them miss the obvious sunshine of the new day that I am seeing? And then, the obvious answer came to me. It’s the LIGHT. The night is over and Light is beginning to shine and it is exposing the darkness and the deeds of darkness. Those living in this darkness are fearful of the light as it begins to shine on them and on the territory where they operate. John 1:4,5 tells us; “In Him (Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not understand it.” Those in darkness see the light as something to fear as it exposes their evil ways. So, all is dark and gloomy to them. The brighter the light, the more they fear it. Wow,,,, how sad. I would like the light to shine in my dirty house in order for me to see clearly to clean it up… (That is what is actually supposed to be happening).
The scriptures tell us: “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light for my path (of life)!! Ps.119:105 “God is Light: In Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him, yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the Truth (and we feel the gloom). But, if we walk (live) in the light as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His son purifies us from all sin!” I John:5-7 Now, we can let the Sonshine in, and hear the birds singing once again!!!