What are the advantages of being a relationally mature parent? There is a huge difference between being a person with child level relational maturity and being a person with a parent level relational maturity. Sadly, the vast majority of adults in our society spend their lives stuck at the relational level of a child. As a child I see everyone else as the cause of my problems. This causes all kinds of strain, stress, struggles, fear, despair, and anxiety for not only the person but also for all those around.
The following are some of the benefits and advantages of being a relationally mature parent;
As a RM parent my focus in life shifts from life being all about me and my wants to my focus being on my family and those in my care. This is a heart change and not a rule change. A child can try to be a parent, but it will be all about the rules and punishment. Scripture calls us to mature and put aside childish things. 1Cor.13:11
As a RM parent it is easy for my spirit to come alive and resonate with God’s Spirit of love so that I am not walking alone as a parent. I continually have an example, Companion, and Guide in Jesus.
As a “RM” parent I want to connect and attune to you and to who and where you are in life. This helps me understand you and gives me the ability to walk with you through the highs and lows of life. Failures are not final, but a time to learn, adjust course, and advance.
As a RM parent I have an increasingly greater capacity to carry not only my load and burdens, but also be able to share in helping you carry your. I will not overwhelm you in your infant and child level of maturity.
As a RM parent I have joy because I have genuine love. True love is not based on who you are but is based on who I am. My vision actually changes and I am more accurately able to see you as God sees you and as you were created to be. I share with you and encourage you in the truth of who you are.
As a RM parent I continually mature and call you as my family to greater life and to follow my example as I follow Jesus and His love for us. A child would just tell you what to do but, not do it himself.
As a RM parent I provide and live with you in a healthy, safe, loving place for my family as we all develop and mature. This is a place of encouragement and experiencing the joy of being together.
As a RM parent my desire is for everyone in my care to also become a healthy, life giving parent for the families they create.