Part 3 of 3
I enjoy some of the intriguing scriptures that I read. I spend time meditating on them, trying to place them in my thought patterns and processes, and make the truths a part of my ways. We are looking at Mark7:45-55 In parts 1 and 2 we raised some questions about this seemingly strange passage of scripture and then we looked at what God would most likely have in mind about what was going on and why. Since we are meditating on the scriptures and scripture is the living Word of God, It will also speak personally to me and my situations in life. So in this part 3 meditation I will personally apply some parts of it to me and my life situations:
Here again is the basic narrative; Jesus sent his disciples ahead of Him across the lake to a remote place for rest. Late at night the disciples were in trouble rowing their boat against the wind and waves of the lake. Jesus saw them and came towards them walking on the water and started to pass them by. They freaked out thinking that they were seeing His ghost. This did not fit into their thought processes. Jesus attuned to their fear and said “Don’t be afraid, take courage, I Am here!” And He got into the boat and everything calmed down. They were utterly amazed. Then, when they did get to the other side of the lake there was already a crowd and Jesus had compassion on the crowd so they ministered to that crowd. I don’t see where they actually got their rest. ?? Then Mark notes that the disciples were freaked out and didn’t yet understand because their hearts were hardened. Mk.7:52
My personal understanding and application: Note this is based on my relational maturity level and what God’s Holy Spirit speaks to me about as I listen to Him with my live spiritual ear. If I don’t have an alive spirit, I will listen to my own understanding and it will always be wrong to some degree.
(What I am hearing) …… “Yes, I send and will send you into stormy uncomfortable situations because there are things you need to learn and good will come out of it both for you and for others ……. You have been living in some false reality and I have to shake you up so that you are tender and receptive of the real reality that I have for you…. I will pass you by if you don’t call out to Me from the state you are in …. I’m not calling you to easy street, there will be tough times and people you will need to have the capacity to carry ……. Here are some keys through it all … Have no fear ... I will always be with you as you go through these tiring and dark times … I will never leave you …. If you always keep following Me you won’t have to wonder if I have abandoned you when things get tough ….. I will always provide for you when and what I think you need ….. Stop rowing your boat, have no anxiety, trust Me, and calm yourself with My comfort as I calm the storms and take you where I want you ….. you will have My purpose .... you will be doing things and ministering to your family and others in ways that you have never been able to before …… you are trying to minister from comfort; I am training you to minister from pain …….
Now,,, That is an ear full. But, this is actually where I am. This comes from a relationally mature parent perspective. This also helps me apply what I hear and see with those I am a parent or minister to.