I am trying to live a life that means something. But, it seems that most everything I do doesn’t go as I planned and ends up in a dead end. These dead ends are areas of my life where I am stalled, try to avoid, ignore, don’t want to deal with, I’ve seen that before, been there done that. In general, these areas are very frustrating to me. The interesting thing is that all this frustration and avoidance is due to my lack of relational maturity. Although I loved the Lord, got education and obtained a degree, ran a successful business; I primarily operated as a relational child trying to follow the frustrating rules that the country, my parents, my church, my boss and society tried to put on me. Infants, children, and even adults do not know how to handle these situations. As a result, people give up, move away, never talk again, brand the other person, situation, or place as evil, turn others into enemies, live from a fear base, try to make as much money as possible, change churches or schools, divorce, try to start over,….. But, all the while I’m still a relational child. I am stalled in the frustrated relational child I am.
If I am going to leave anything of value to my children and grand children so that they don’t have to be in the same situation I am, ….. It should have some real worth. Money isn’t the answer as that is the root of all kinds of evil and is used as a cover for the dead end life I have lived. There are three things I would leave as a heritage to those following after me that would bring them life. These are the values and ways that they see me live out. It has taken me a while to mature, but, I am currently living that way. It is never too late to mature.
First …. A deep love for the Lord and the ways to connect with Him. Secondly …… Operating from love bonds and out of a love base in all I do. Thirdly …. Doing all aspects of life with them as a relationally mature parent.