“Don’t you know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? So whoever wants to be the friend of the world becomes the enemy of God.” James4:4 Why? Because God and His Spirit bring life while the world and what it promotes as living, actually brings death.
So, who are my friends supposed to be? Well, let’s take a look at the Godly; not religion …. That would be a look into real genuine love. The world looks into things, making money, looking cool, and whatever is exciting at the moment. Real love is looking into being real with a caring heart that is in love with Jesus and is excited about being around those who are following Him! These are my friends! Our excitement comes from bringing real life, full of joy to each other, to our community, to our world, and we do this in everything we do!
Jesus says “You are my friends and family when you are doing what I want you to do. This is bringing the joy of life and love to our planet!”