Jesus made life very simple. It is not difficult for me to enjoy a fulfilling relationship with Jesus. I just need to join Him in doing life together with Him and His family. Let’s look at what He said about doing life here on earth. ” I have come so that you are able to have life and an abundant life! I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life!” John10:10, 14:6
So, the essentials of having a joyful life are as follows:
“I am the Way.” That way is the way of Love.1John4:16 That’s how we will live life together. Always loving. There is no other way that will bring me a secure fulfilling life, because love never fails.1Cor.13:8
“I am the Truth.” The whole truth and nothing but the truth. There is no sense in wasting time in looking at any other options because they are all deceit and lead to destruction. I will enjoy the freedom that comes from continual Truth! John8:32 There is consistency I can trust because truth never changes. Heb.13:8
“I am the Life!” With Him I have His Spirit living in me. Real life is having the joy of doing life with Him and His family! And this life doesn’t end!! Jesus is the Essential Piece to real life!!
It is interesting to note that as I live life with Jesus, I take on His characteristics. Now, as I walk with you I bring you love, a life of consistency, peaceful trust, and a vibrant spirit of joyful interaction while we freely enjoy doing life together!!