This post is a snapshot of Relational Maturity levels: We all have physical maturity that follows these general physical ages; 0 to 4 Infant … 5 to 11 Child ….. 12 to 17 Adult …. 18 to 60 Parent 60 to 100 Elder. Relationally I may be primarily stalled in any one of these categories due to my lack of relational skills that I did not learn as I grew older. So I may be a 30year old relational child. In which case, life will be difficult for me and those relating to me. NOTE; The majority of American society are primarily relational children and infants, so don’t feel alone as you see yourself in any these categories. It is never too late to mature relationally!!!
In Exodus chapters 3 and 4 we read the story of God getting Moses’ attention and telling him that he had important things to do in life. Moses argued that he wasn’t qualified and in no position to do anything. God finally tells him that He is going to use him and ask him “What is in your hand?” And we all know how powerfully God used Moses to deliver Israel from captivity!! We actually see Moses go through all the relational maturity levels during his life. Sooo… What’s in my hand? What hand have I been dealt in life? What are my giftings and blessings?? Who am I around?
It’s mine to hide says the relational infant …. I will keep it where nobody knows … Life is all about me and my needs…
It’s mine to chide says the relational child ….. I have something you don’t….. I know something you don’t …. There is often a lot of pride and ego here … Life revolves around me and what I know and can do …
It’s mine to barter says the relational adult ….. I will trade some of mine for some of yours ….. It needs to be fair … You do your share and I will do mine … Life is about striking a good bargain and creating good partnerships …
It’s mine to share because I care about you, my family, says the relational parent …. Life revolves around my family ….
It’s ours to guard and protect our community and territory because I care about us says the gentle protector who is a relational elder … Life is about seeing our community safe, healthy, and prosperous …