Part 1 of 2
In the past my prayers have mostly been prayers of control. I see God as my parent or servant who is to do my bidding when I ask or demand using the proper formula. I just need to find that formula so that God will hop to it and give me what I want.
I feel that my prayers are like playing the slot machine where I have the chance of winning and getting my prayer answered if I strike it just right in the mysterious workings of the prayer slot machine. Or, perhaps my prayers just need to have the correct formula that convinces God to answer me and grant my request. Like I need to be sinless at that moment and I need to have taken communion, and I go forward to the altar to receive prayer from those more holy than I am. Perhaps I need to “pound the gates of heaven” loudly and persistently enough as my mother would say. Maybe I have used up all my prayer cards and God just doesn’t hear me any more. Or, maybe I haven’t waited long enough. I know! …. I need to negotiate with God, and offer Him half or more of all my winnings when He lets me win the lottery! (Surly that will entice Him..) I can give to the poor, start an orphanage, start a non profit …… I will start defending God by marching and protesting and voting for the least corrupt….. But, you know,…. there is no peace in any of this. And I often hear this line of thinking being preached from the church leader. It is very stressful and I just feel overwhelmed and mostly give up on prayers that don’t mean or accomplish anything. I just feel that God is going to do whatever He wants to anyway, so I don’t need to do anything since I don’t have any say in it.
The truth is that I do have a say in it all and it comes from my relationship with Jesus. If I don’t have relationship with Jesus, I am spiritually blind and my prayers are going no where. As a child of the King, the thing I don’t have is control over what God is doing, and that is where the stress comes in. I struggle to control and micro manage. So, let’s briefly look at how this works. I am not God and I don’t have an accurate overall picture of anything in this life or the world I live in. I don’t see the big picture of what God is actually working on and doing at the current moment or in this circumstance I find myself in. So, as James says, I pray erroneously because I am focused on just me as I see me. God is seeing me, those around me, time frames, and what is best in all things. He is working all things together for the good of all in its proper time. Sometimes, time is years. Peaceful prayer is not arguing with God; Peaceful prayer is agreeing with God!
So…. How should I pray? Lord, teach us how to pray… Ok …. “Our Father (Who controls it all) Who sees everything correctly from Your heavenly view; I respect You and honor You for Who You are! ….. Your kingdom (everything that is to operate in shalom) come here at this time and in this place and circumstance. I join with You in what you are seeing and doing and I accept the time frame you have. …. For right now, I ask that You give us what we need for this day (our basic food and shelter) and forgive us our shortcomings of trying to take control, …. and give me a heart that forgives the person that is irritating and hurting me today. You know my maturity level and help me not be overwhelmed by the events of this day. I walk with You as you build Your kingdom in me and in those around me, …. and bring us all into that place of rest, peace, and harmony (shalom) … So be it (Amen).!” Matt.6:9-13