Joy Sparkles are sparks of love that I see and feel! Joy Sparkles are words and actions that are: ….. Encouraging, Appreciating, praising, thanking, seeing and expressing the good: In a close, family and marriage relationship; “I love seeing the sparkle in your eyes; I appreciate how you take care of us and prepare such nutritious meals; I appreciate how you protect me!; I enjoy how you welcome me home every day with a hug and a ‘welcome home!’; I love your smile!; I appreciate your gentle nature; Thank you for your hard work; I can relax because I trust you; Thank you for understanding; Thank you for all your help; You are so kind;”
Am I spreading genuine joy sparkles?! Or …. Am I throwing death darts? Death darts condemn, berate, belittle, bash, subvert, betray, insult, cause pain, drain joy, …. are harsh, are cruel, are mean, are destructive, are not supportive, are not loving, ….. I feel yelled at, of no value to you or others; I don’t feel loved by you; I feel fearful, angry, and do not want to be around or with you, and ultimately, when the joy is all gone, the close relationship we had has died.
Life or death are in the power of my tongue. May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart always be uplifting and life giving. A mixture of joy sparkles and death darts causes confusion and anxiety. My ultimate test of relational maturity is when I naturally and consistently am able to encourage, appreciate, see the good, and give thanks in every thing and in every situation! I can see you as God sees you! I have no stored death darts. I am always in joy and I enjoy spreading sparks of love …. Joy Sparkles! And, you enjoy it too!! Joy Sparkles are like seasoning on a steak or dressing on a salad!
Is my ‘go to’ death darts? …. Or …. Joy Sparkles?!!