Lost focus ….. I am looking at all the byproducts and benefits …… I came looking for a great connection with God and I fell in love with the comfort aspect of the connection as I see it …. yes peaceful comfort 24/7 !! ….. I am here for peaceful comfort! Sign me up! However, I am often disillusioned because I find that the comfort is often fleeting and my path and situation is often painful.
As I look again at scripture, I see that I am not promised comfort. …. But, I thought that I would find comfort in riches and relationships and recreation and good health..?? No, I find that I am promised peace, and that peace is not as the world sees peace; It is a peace that does not come from situations, but it comes from God. It is the peace that comes from being in relationship with Jesus and knowing that He will always be with me in every situation and He will always provide for my basic needs.
The comfort comes from being able to relax and rest in His Holy Spirit. I don’t need to have it all planned out and figured out. This only leads to anxiety because I am attempting to control God and have Him bless my plans. Instead, I just need to follow Him and rest in the comfort of His peace that will always be beyond my understanding. John14:25-27
Sooo …. As I connect with God, I will rest in the forever peaceful connection with Jesus and His Comforting Holy Spirit!