BEEPS are negative rabbit trails and hindrances to healthy relational maturity growth. Beeps are; Behaviors …. Experiences ….. Events ….. People ….. Substances …. Each of these is a topic in it’s self and a rabbit trail that is a diversion that side tracks me from the serious issues of life. They keep me from properly maturing. They are often diversion into make believe land or my “as-if” self. Many “BEEPS” are not of themselves evil or seen as being wrong. However, Beeps are harmful to me in some form and delay or negate blessings on my life and in my relationships.
Let’s take a look at just one Behavior beep; …… Busyness .…. Since I am sooo busy, I don’t have time to …. Rest or Spend time with my spouse, my children, God, …… or pray or meditate. The Busyness Beep causes overwhelm and overwhelm causes my RCs (relational circuits) to dim or shut down. “A person who does not ponder (seriously contemplate) the path of life, is wandering and doesn’t realize it. The person listens to the sweet sounds of pleasure and ease. There is smooth talk that leads away from the reality and path of life. The path is a downhill path that leads the person into pain and sorrow with eventual death.” Pr.5:6,3-5
So, by just taking a quick glimpse at being too busy I see that I can kill my relationships or severely keep them from being healthy and vibrant. My spiritual life is stunted because I am not praying and having Emanuel connection with God, and my own health can deteriorate ….. Basically I have lost my joy and I am not a joy to be with.
So, what do I do about BEEPS? I need transformation; I need to be able to return to joy from the overwhelm and allow my RCs to glow brightly again. Practically, I will need to mature and drop some items of busyness from my schedule. Interacting with Jesus will allow me to clearly see how I need to adjust my daily life behaviors and patterns. “Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened (busy), and I will give you rest (as you learn from Me).” Matt.11:28