Relationships are born, develop and mature. Some relationships last a lifetime and beyond while others don’t last much past birth and early development. Our ongoing connection with others is a relationship. All good relationships should bring life to both parties. We are physically born into some relationships, and they last a lifetime even though the relationship may become static after a few years.
As a human, I am only capable of developing and maintaining a very few close relational bonds. These are real live relationships and not virtual or on line relationships. My relational connections and bonds will develop based on my RM (Relational Maturity) level. I live in the relational maturity that I have. Every day life is my training ground ; I am in training every day ; The same type of tough events keep reoccurring in my life because I am not learning and maturing. So, I just keep gong around and around the same mountain. I’m complaining instead of thanking God for the uncomfortable situations and people in my life. These are training situations. I am the one who needs to mature in these situations and develop love bonds instead of fear bonds. I will become overwhelmed and lose the desire and ability to hang in there and learn if I fail to mature.
I need to be able to return to joy from disappointments and failures in order for my relational bonding to continue to develop and mature. This maturing takes place through good times and hard times. I am often following the not so good examples of those who have gone before me or others in my life who quit when life gets hard. Instead, I need to be looking at scripture and the examples of many who when through major testing and training times and came out way more mature on the other side.
The one relationship I need to continually develop is my forever relationship with Jesus. His side of the relationship is very steady and solid; always dependable. This gives me the concentrated time to work on my side of the relationship. I want to imitate some of His character qualities; Basics like; always there,,,, always good,,,,, always trustworthy,,,,, always love! “Jesus the messiah, the same yesterday, today, and forever!”