But, I’m not good enough ….. I have short comings …… I have times of failing …… I don’t measure up to the standard …. I have flaws and besetting sins ….. The scripture tells me to be perfect, and I’m not …..
It’s true, I’m not absolutely perfect. In fact, the scripture tells us that there is no one who is absolutely perfect and without flaws. At the same time, the scripture tells me to be perfect even as my Father in heaven is perfect. So, am I being asked to do something that is impossible for me to do?
I have a granddaughter who is very full of life. She wants to help and do whatever it is we are doing at the time. The majority of her “help” isn’t perfect and generally doesn’t last very long because she is a small child. However her desire and enthusiasm is genuine and a joy to watch. As she helps me and we do the tasks at hand, it all flow together and we enjoy working together. It isn’t that she wants to just do the task; it’s that she wants to do it with and for me!
God created me to be in intimate relationship with Him. Perfection is when I am in that intimate connection with Him. We are perfectly connected! It isn’t a business connection. Insisting on doing it all by myself and without His help only leads to failure. His perfection covers my imperfections in our relationship and He sees me as a part of Himself! So, in Him and because of Him, I am able to be perfect. It is not me that you see, it is Jesus!