Jesus is not in our earthly business mindset. If I attempt to relate to God in a business way I will be entering into law. These are the rules (laws) of business. Business is about what I can obtain from you. It is about what I can keep for myself. If I don’t want or need anything from you then we don’t have a relationship. Many approach God this way.
Jesus diverted every business encounter from law to love ….. from what can I obtain from you to what do I bring and give to you. This leads us into continual relationship with God and with each other. When Jesus saw Zacchaeus the tax collector in a tree, He didn’t call him down to discuss government and taxes. He said, “I am coming to your house to eat with you and to be with you and have relationship with you.” Peter was a business man catching and selling fish. Although Jesus showed him that he could catch more fish than the nets and boats could hold, He invited him and his partners to come live with him, leaving their fishing business and entering into relationship with Jesus. This relationship would expand and encompass all who would enter into that same relationship. Saul was a prominent church leader doing the business of the Jewish church. Jesus encountered him and radically changed Saul to Paul … from doing the law to living by the relationship of love with Jesus. Luke19:1-9 Lk.5:5-11 Acts9:1-22
I need to remember that business is law and relationship is love. Jesus came to fulfill the law so that I do not need to live under law any more. In fact Jesus said that living by the law of business makes it very difficult to be a Christian led by love. (Lk.18:18-27) Jesus came to bring me life in the form of love. This love is relationship. This is the one new commandment that Jesus gives us; “Love each other”. This is relationship with both God and each other!! John13:34