Walk through the day with me and let’s see how it went and how well I did. This is a real life accounting of how my day went today.
I awoke and repeated my Daily Interactive Declaration: Good morning Lord. I am Your son and want to please You; Jesus, I love You! I am eager to see and hear what is on Your mind for the things we are going to encounter today.? ….. Open my eyes, ears, and heart. I am eager to follow You and learn how You do things. Let me know how I can help? ….. I know You always want me to show love and bring life in all situations. I will gladly do what You tell me. I so much appreciate you gently walking with me and patiently showing me the way for the day! Thank You!
During breakfast I listened to some news about the chaos and deaths of many in Israel …. Lord, these are your children.. my heart hurts …. “Mine does too” …. Then the power went out all over town ….. now what should I do …. I was supposed to work at the office with some deadlines …. Money was supposed to come in but the banks were down …. I had legal papers the attorney was supposed to finish and I needed to file …. then I got a text saying I needed to pay a loan or I would have a penalty…..
Wow, Jesus, your plans for the day must be ruined I joked …. “You think I’m surprised?” … “Write out your checks and let’s go” …. Just then the power came on at my house …. I (we) went to the office and the power had come on there too and I was able to do all the paper work that needed done with my bookkeeper ….. but, we have no money and power is out all over town…. The highway is snarled with traffic because the traffic lights are all out…. Then, I was told that a client who owed us some money had left a check on his table …. Now, what good is that going to do? I can’t deposit it I joked … “let’s go and get the check”… by now I was on an adventure with Jesus …
I went and got the check (it was the exact amount we needed) and passed by the dark banks and empty filling stations with people sitting on their porches .. Jesus, are we practicing for the end times? As I headed back to the post office, there was a blinking light and next to it a bank that I had never been to. The door was locked but one drive through was open with one person there trying to and did take my deposit and my payment! ….. Then back to the post office where people were cursing the day ….
I didn’t feel like cursing at all. I was in amazement as to what following Jesus through the day was like! And yes the attorney’s office was the only office downtown that still had power, to their amazement.
The story is longer, but I will end it here saying; “Even if everything hadn’t gone how I thought and planned, It is the only way to walk through life as Jesus will take care of the things that He sees are needed at the time!” Thank You Jesus for gently walking with me and showing me the way to walk through the day!