How does God work and connect with us His people? And specifically, how does God work and connect with me?
This is the same question people asked Jesus while He was here on the earth…. “The people asked Jesus; ‘What must we do to do the works of God. Jesus answered, God will work through this (God will work this way): That you believe in the One He has sent (believe in Me, Jesus). Believe and follow what I (Jesus) tell you.” John 6:28,2
And what does Jesus tell me as God’s child? ….. “If you love Me, you will do what I tell you …. And what I am telling you is to love God with everything in you …. and then to love a select few of God’s children, who you decide to choose …. (Naa, that’s not right) …. I am to love ALL of God’s children, including you! John 13:34 ….
Soo, God works through Jesus who connects with me and then I connect with all of God’s children who Jesus is also connected to and then we all connect back to God! This looks like a heart circle to me where we are all holding hands!
It must look strange and broken if I do not love someone in God’s heart circle. Are they left out? or Am I left out?