It’s the little things that I find the most annoying and it’s the little things I find most precious.
One of the things I have been learning and practicing is to Live Out Of The Heart Jesus Has Given Me. He has given me a generous heart of compassion and love and practical helps that I express in many small ways.
I have a Daily Interactive Declaration that includes asking the question; “Jesus, in what way are we to bring joy to someone today? Help me to see and do it as you see it and would do it.” At the end of the day while calming, we discuss how it went with encounters and love shown. It is very much a maturity thing for me, and it helps me realize that Jesus is in and with me all the time.
From this I have discovered that a lot of the little things I do have a deeper meaning than what just appears on the surface. They are an expression of the inner me and the heart Jesus has given me. I realize this due to the depth of missing them when my heart things are not being practiced. I am actually practicing being a relationally mature parent who brings the little things that bring life. These expressions of appreciation and love, are what builds up my family and others.
Then there are the little annoying and critical, and harsh, and hurtful words and actions that destroy the day for those around me. These seemingly little things eventually bring sadness, anger, and despair to those in my life. And that is definitely NOT what I really want to be doing.
My mother had a good saying that rings true. “If you can’t say anything good and positive,,,, don’t say anything at all ,,,, zip your lip and attach a smile!”