Today I will do a simple test to see how my relational maturity (RM) is progressing. I will check some of my emotions and responses: When I began my relational maturity, I was daily agitated to some degree about a lot of things. So, What am I noticing now?
1. I have noticed that I am mostly calm throughout my day …… As I start my day and phone calls came in that require me to alter my plans and schedule for the day, it doesn’t upset me or make me uptight. I don’t become anxious. I merely shift and make necessary calls to change the schedule as it affects others. I much more openly communicate in a timely manner.
2. I have found that I stay relational as I go through my day and when I come back home. I am no longer separating my life into segments of RCs (relational circuits) ON and RCs Off. (Don’t bother me …. I need my time) I don’t feel that agitation. I openly communicate that I am tired and I need to take a nap or rest.
3. I look for what Jesus has in mind for the day, and what His priority is. I have found that doing things His way is doing it a parent’s way. Except that He has a much larger sphere and scope than I do. (sometimes His scope runs into years) So my trust in Him has increased as has my sphere. I am OK when the attention is focused on the needs of someone else and not my desires or schedules.
4. I have been a little surprised at myself in that I see “infant” and “child” level maturity around me all the time but it no longer creates an emotional reaction within me. I just merely observe it and and see the various levels on display at the time. (IE. The parent letting their small child run around all over the church during service) That certainly wouldn’t have been me even a few years ago. Now I see “infants” young and old needing parents and a place to belong. I no longer feel the need to fix it or save the situation. And I’m not agitated…
5 As a relational child my life as a whole was divided into a “time to work and get things in order” (takes years) and a “time to take it easy and enjoy your in order life” (it never came) .. As I have matured I have discovered, and am now living, that life is about doing all of life relationally and bringing life to all those around me. I am way more at peace. Jesus is the One and Only who is and will be with me for all time!
My test results ……. I am definitely more of a Relational Parent than I was only a few long short years ago..