Part 1 of 3
I enjoy some of the intriguing scriptures that I read. I spend time meditating on them, trying to place them in my thought patterns and processes, and make the truths a part of my ways. Jesus purposely taught in parables just for this reason. Let’s take a scripture that most of us are familiar with: Mark7:45-55
Jesus sent his disciples ahead of Him across the lake to a remote place for rest. Late at night the disciples were in trouble rowing their boat against the wind and waves of the lake. Jesus saw them and came towards them walking on the water and started to pass them by. They freaked out thinking that they were seeing His ghost. This did not fit into their thought processes. Jesus attuned to their fear and said “Don’t be afraid, take courage, I Am here!” And He got into the boat and everything calmed down. And they freaked out even more. They were utterly amazed. Then, when they did get to the other side of the lake there was already a crowd and Jesus had compassion on the crowd so they ministered to that crowd. I don’t see where they actually got their rest. ?? Then Mark notes that the disciples were freaked out and didn’t yet understand because their hearts were hardened. Mk.7:52
Here are some questions that come to my mind: 1. Why would Jesus send his disciples out onto a lake when He knew that there was going to be a storm? 2. Would He have passed them by if they hadn’t cried out? 3. What was significant about Jesus saying; “Don’t be afraid, take courage, I Am here.” 4. If they were going for some rest, why did Jesus have compassion and minister to the next crowd? 5. What relational maturity levels do I see in the crowd, the disciples, Jesus ? 6. What did Mark mean when he noted that the disciples did not yet understand because their hearts were hardened?
OK ….. Do your home work and jot some notes in answer to the 6 questions listed above.. This is part 1. Tomorrow we will look at part 2 where we rewrite the story from a little of God’s point of view (or God-sight).