If I am going to play beautiful music I need to practice. If I am going to play beautiful music in harmony with you, I have to practice my keys and then I need to practice harmonizing my keys with yours. We then practice playing together in harmony! Making beautiful music together!!
I Love to practice the Key of operating from a Love Base:
Love is a desire like hunger. Love grows rather than fades. Love becomes more motivating with time. Love bonds produce a different dynamic than fear. Love’s operational dynamic is based on joy. Joy means someone is glad to be with me. Joy means someone will share my good and bad times because they want me. Positive feelings like hope, trust, and joy, are grown through love.
Since we have joy because someone loves us, and I am operating from a “Love Base”, …… Who am I loving? …… Who am I not loving? …… Am I picking only those who love me like I think they should? ……. If the joy of the Lord is my strength, then is my joy the strength of someone else?…..
Today I am practicing my key of operating from a “love base” and I am actually showing love to ALL those around me. I should pick someone who irritates me and practice loving them.
Jesus operates from a “love base”. I am practicing following Him and doing the same!