If I am going to play beautiful music I need to practice. If I am going to play beautiful music in harmony with you, I have to practice my keys and then I need to practice harmonizing my keys with yours. I know that I don’t hit all the right keys and as I listen to you, I notice that you hit a lot of wrong keys. I start wondering how we are going to be able to practice playing together in harmony?
The Key I am practicing is: “My flaws …… Your flaws”
How do I view your flaws? And what do I do with them? I know my flaws aren’t because I am bad and am deliberately trying to play badly. My flaws are because I haven’t practiced enough in order to mature into a good musician ….. However, the notes and keys you hit are often very irritating to me. I don’t think you will ever get it so that we can play good music together.
I love to watch Tom and Jerry with the grandchildren. Tom is trying to be so perfect in his piano playing and the noise is irritating to Jerry who is trying to sleep. Finally, Jerry joins Tom in playing the piano but not the notes that Tom is playing. This then greatly irritates Tom and he gets very angry. After a lot of hilarious go-arounds, the music they play actually comes out very good.
Concentrating on flaws will only lead to finding more flaws. Concentrating on the good notes and keys will lead to more good music. Probably not what I had originally thought or wished for,…… but, it is still good music that we play together.
Jesus ….. How do You see this? ….. What are the good notes that have been played and are being played? I am thankful for all the good notes and keys that are struck! Oh yes,,, Thank You for listening to my song, even though I don’t always hit all the correct keys.