How did I mature relationally? This has been a long and often scary and painful journey for me. It has not been quick and easy. I am sharing with you some key individual steps that freed me to be able to mature from an infant and child to a parent and elder. No, I’m not there yet. The exciting thing about maturing is that I am never too old to mature relationally. That part of my brain continues to grow and learn all my life. I continually see new maturity traits emerging from my life struggles. This meditation is number 3 in a series.
Key number 3; I had to learn to trust Jesus and not let fear run my life. It was easy for me to be thankful and have a little trust when things were going the way I thought they should and in the time frame I thought things should happen. However there was always this “on the lookout” for where He might take me that I didn’t think was good. Pain became a big issue for me. Relational pain is the strongest pain we experience. No suffering for me ,,,, I’ve had enough.
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God, in Christ Jesus, concerning me.” This became my theme. Be thankful in everything and for everything because Jesus is leading me to and through this issue facing me. This is on purpose so that I can deal with it and settle it. In so doing I mature!
So, I trust Him more and more for the next issue I face. He is actually doing this hard painful stuff for my good. Thank you Jesus! It has been amazing how many issues have been settled for me since I started thanking Him for taking me to face them.