Today we will do a Relational Maturity Quick Test:
We will start with the assumption that I have been “born again” with the Spirit of God living within me, and therefor I have a living relationship with Him:
Ok …… Here we go …… Does my mind and do my thoughts mirror or rhyme with God’s thoughts? Currently (and for the last 2000 plus years) we have a Person, Jesus, who came and lived with us as family. We are invited by Jesus; “Come follow Me!” So, I can narrow the test question down to ……. Do my mind processes and do my thoughts about my daily encounters mirror or rhyme with what Jesus is thinking about; ….. me ….. you ….. all issues and things surrounding me ….. I get a picture of His thoughts and thinking patterns from His life account and teachings recorded for us in scripture …..
Infant; I don’t know ,,, what are you talking about? …… Child; Sometimes I think about all the rules ,,, it’s pretty overwhelming …… A relationally mature adult or parent or elder is what is needed in order to be able to properly attune to another person or Person; Sooo, What am I thinking?
Are my thoughts rhyming and in sync with what Jesus is thinking? ….. If not, I most likely need to mature.