“I am writing to all of God’s relational family. As infants, you have been born into Jesus by having your sins forgiven and life is about you in Christ. As the mature elder you see the whole picture from the beginning to the end and you watch out for and encourage the entire family. As a child, you are winning the battle with the enemy and are keeping care of yourself and standing up for what you see as the right. As mature parents, you understand what it is to be a father and mother and are keeping care of yourselves and your family. As the young mature adult, you are strong in the faith and God’s word is alive and active in your heart. 1John2:12-14
John writes to us and gives us some of the primary strengths of each maturity level; As I read it I am asking myself if I have attained each one of those strengths in my life? I like how John jumps from the beginning of our lives to the end and then goes back and checks where we are in between.
Infants; I have begun my spiritual life of love with Jesus and I love being with Him ….. Elders; I see the entire picture of our lives as God sees it and I am a living demonstration and encourager to all of my community. …… Child; I have learned God’s rules of love for myself, God, and others, and I fight and discipline myself to live by them. ……. Parent; My focus in on family and I am the father or mother to all those around me, providing a safe and secure place, whatever their condition or age. …… Adult; I am strong in faith and am actively building my righteous kingdom on Gods principles.
Well ….. Since I don’t have it ALL together, I have several strengths and I am not finished with me yet!