“Though a righteous person falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin.” Pr.24:16
“Therefore, let all who are mature think this way. … we should (get up and) live up to whatever truth we have obtained. … Pay careful attention to those who live according to the example of (mature Christians). … Forgetting what is behind, reach forward to what is ahead, and pursue as your goal, God’s heavenly call to us through Jesus (our true identity). Phil.3:15-17,13,14
The reason I sit here in the wee hours of the morning is that I am finally pursuing God’s call on my life of being a teacher by writing to you some of the many thoughts and illuminations that Holy Spirit brings to my attention. I am following the example of my grandfather who was up every morning around 3am in conversation and study with the Lord. I hesitated for months in getting started with my writings in a public form. Satan had seriously tried to derail me saying I wasn’t good enough and was washed up, it was too late for me. I struggled with computer technology and trying to organize my scattered thoughts and the sorting of my thoughts from God’s thoughts, and ….. and …..
But, all the while in the background was the still small voice of my daughter who kept saying; “I will help you … Just start writing …. Dad, just start writing … And sure enough, as I started writing, the still small voice turned into the Still Small Voice Who guides me and brings me to tears most every morning as I currently am as I write this to you.
So, Get Up …. Join me …. and Jesus will show up and start walking with us!!