Discipline of the Lord is part of the maturity process. Perseverance is required for maturity and healing to take place. James1:4,12 Perseverance is persistence in doing something despite the difficulty involved in doing it. God is healing and maturing everyone who is pursuing Him. However, I hinder His process. I am the one who make His healing and maturity process take longer than needed and more difficult than need be.
Since He knew ahead of time that I would keep coming back to Him to walk with Him He made a custom fit curriculum for me ahead of time. “Those that He ‘foreknew’, He ‘predestined’ to be healed and to mature and become transformed into the person He wants me to be.
So, I am actually in His world classroom with different courses He is having me take and experiences that are needed for me to become whole, mature, and be transformed into the image He has for me; Which is His image! All of this I am living out is on purpose and for His purpose. It is part of the course. I could make it all a whole lot easier and quicker if I will just trust Him in EVERYTHING and learn and do whatever He is teaching me and having me do.