I boldly walk forth into my new adventure. This is going to be Awesome! I have lined up some resources and contacted those who are going to accompany me on this adventure. The weather is fair and the time seems right. Only a few little clouds in sight. I had heard a voice that all was going to be alright!
One of the young men working for me on the ranch was so excited and proud to finally be driving tractors and now one pulling a trailer. It was going to be a tricky trail to follow so I told him that I would meet him at an intersection of trails and and he could follow me to where we would be loading the trailer. He proudly looked around and drove off around the nob and I watched as he drove right on past me and on down the wrong trail. I watched and slowly followed him. He slowed down and then stopped and looked around to see where I was. I waved to him to come back and we would try it again ….
So my new adventure that looked so promising to start with started taking turns for the worse. The clouds became thunder storms and things were not going smoothly at all. So I began to wonder where was my backup? Where was Jesus? And then I see Him standing back there watching me go down my road. This was not the adventure that He had for me.
So, guess what is happening in both cases …. If I can’t see Jesus ahead of me then I am not following Him. Jesus is not a backup to help me with my plans. I am on my own with Him following to pick up the pieces as I cry out for help. Psalm 141 “Even if you look, you won’t see anyone who cares enough to walk beside me. There is no place to hide, and no one who really cares… I am completely helpless. … A trap has been hidden along my pathway. … Help! They are chasing me…. I beg for mercy … Rescue me. (So) I pray to you Lord. I tell You all of my worries and my troubles and I find that whenever I feel low, You are there to guide me once again on Your adventure. (As) I pray to You, Lord, (I find that) You are my place of safety. I choose You to be with me (as my guide) in the land of the living. So, I praise Your name as I follow You! And when Your people notice Your wonderful kindness to me, they will rush to my side.” (and want to follow You too!)