Jesus relates and understands and attunes to all relational levels way better than I do. I get a glimpse of this in different passages of scripture;
“Let the little children (infants) come to me and set them on My knee, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” This is the innate understanding of I just want to always be with you doing life with You.
“You are like children calling to each other in the market places; come dance with me and play the games of life with me.” Children are leaders full of ambition and ideas and are calling for others to join their games and team.
“Come down from your tree; come partner with Me.” “Quit fishing all night; come partner with Me.” And the true adult can see the value of building His kingdom. As an adult I quit building my kingdom and partner with Him to build His kingdom!
“If you being a parent, hear your child asking for something nutritious, will you give your child something totally void of life-giving properties like a stone?” No …. Parents know what is good for those in their care and they will always answer their child’s request and give them “good, life-giving, gifts.”
And the elder came to Jesus asking “what must I do?” Jesus answered; “To be saved and have true life, you need to be born again and once again become an infant.” You must want to always be with Me, learning of Me.