Just how can I get God to answer my prayers?? As relational “children” we go to great length to try and discover how I can get God to answer my prayers. I started making a list of the ways I heard being proposed as to how I could maybe get God to move and answer my prayers; The possible solutions all centered around the theme that there was something wrong with me or the way I was doing it; Maybe it’s because I’m not pure enough, so repent of the hidden sin; I am not fervent enough, I am not speaking in a proper prayer language, I am not in the right place in God’s house of prayer, I am not loud enough, I am not quiet enough, I am not in the right posture on my face before the Lord, we are not all in agreement, I am not giving enough …. and the list went on This is all very typical for the way a relationally mature “child” would think. Life is about me and my wants and how do I find the correct rule that will get me what I want. As a “child” which most all of us are, we are actually praying; “Our Father in heaven, hear my cry and answer me today. May MY will be done! Amen.”
As a “child” it is very difficult to even see or desire the; “May Thy will be done.” I don’t even know what He is doing in all this life stuff around me. I don’t ask Him what He is doing in it all and how I could partner with Him in what He sees and is doing. That would be an “adult” level of maturity. It is most likely not at all what I am thinking of.
Today, as I sit and mull it all over, I hear Him calling me to come on up and be an adult and come follow Me! “Our Father, Let Your Kingdom come into my field of view as You see it; Let Your will be done; Forgive me as I forgive; Deliver me from the evil one who will try to trip me up and take me back down to doing my will; Keep my eyes on Your kingdom and what You are doing where there is all the power to accomplish everything You are doing; There is Peace, Power, and Glory in “Not my will ….. But ….. Thy Will Be Done!”