I partner with the Holy Spirit.. He is very active but talks very little. I talk with Him and He takes care of the things in the Spirit realm that I can’t do. But, I must be ready to do my part when He says, “OK it’s your turn.” My turn is often quite simple. It’s a Joy Sparkle! That is what our momentum group decided to call them after discussing the various descriptions.
We started with how we look at someone when we are around them. It’s not a stare or a glare. It’s a twinkle in the eye accompanied by a soft smile as I look into your eyes and it all takes place in less than 3 seconds. It is disarming and charming. It is a quick glance that cares. It says “I am glad to see you!” “I care.” It’s a Joy Sparkle! It is almost always followed up with a second one that is more pronounced and may be accompanied by a soft blink or wink and a deeper smile. It is sharing the caring.!
And the affect on me as the receiver is a sparkle of joy, a sparkle of hope, as you light up my life! You give me hope to carry on. You light up my life with Joy Sparkles!! What are the Joy Sparkles that I pass out when it is “my turn?!” You know, …… there are some people, as you go by and see the look in their eye; The look is saying …. “I desperately need some Joy Sparkles ….” And it is “my turn!”