There is no rest for the wicked and the righteous don’t need it. Or, …. do they? I remember a conversation that my mother had with my uncle who had “fallen from grace” (whatever that meant). My mother was very much a relational child and the rules had to be closely followed or the boogy man would get you. The conversation was that my uncle should take some time and go out by himself where he could rest and find his connection once again with the Lord. My uncle’s response was, “Oh, that flat wouldn’t work because I would have to face all the torment in myself.” I, as a relational infant myself was thinking, “How strange, I like being out in the jungle by myself, it is very peaceful.”
“Torment in myself” is what my grandfather told about when he kept seeing himself hanging onto the tines of a pitchfork that was turned with the tines pointed down so that the hay would slip off. He had been trying his best to keep “hanging on” to the the slippery tines in order to keep from falling into a deep pit. A pit so deep from which there would be no escape for him. One day he gave up and let go ….
As Jesus’ time on earth was ending, the disciples were intent on “saving the kingdom.” Peter took up arms and chopped off ears. Jesus himself was asked to defend himself. And to everyone’s amazement, remained silent and made no verbal defense or escape plan. On the cross we get a clue when He said, “Into Your Hands I commit My Spirit.” And the scriptures say He descended on down into hell (I suppose that is as low as you can go.) I have looked many times into Hells Canyon where I hunt. It is very, very deep. Was that the end? My grandfather says he fell about six inches and landed in Jesus’ hands, and then Jesus closed His hands around him. The scriptures tell us that Jesus gathered up people in hell and brought them back up and out. There is no pit or trench too deep, or canyon too wide, or even the pits of hell itself, but that we will find beneath it all, The Everlasting Arms of Jesus ready to catch us and bring us back up and out!