The big fat lie … When I believe a lie I give the devil, who is my real “enemy,” a foothold to allow more lies to be spread within my ways of thinking and acting. Let’s take the simple lie; “I have no value or worth“. Says who? The truth is; I am a unique person with special qualities that only I posses and I have been created for such a time as this. From God’s point of view I am so valuable that Jesus died for me to bring me life and so that He can always be with me.
Truth sets us free while lies hold us in bondage. Let’s remember the devil is the father of lies and I am agreeing with him when I believe lies. Lies generally consist of 2 lies within one; a lie about myself and a lie about God. The devil is always trying to undermine God’s truth. Let’s agree with Jesus every time!! I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life! John 14:6