This was a dream I had mixed with it’s interpretation. The dream parallels a lot of Proverbs chapter 8.
I was on a serious journey walking along unmarked roads headed for the City of Choices where I was told that I could take my pick of the important choices of life. The road I was on ran through some rough back country and there were no signs to follow.
As I walked along I noticed a drone quite a ways above me following along with me. It was a quiet drone making no sound. As I walked along I came to a 4 way intersection with no signs. From the gravel on the road it appeared that most traffic went left. I didn’t see the drone any more but there was someone standing across the intersection watching me. So, I called out to him and asked him which way went to the City of Choices? He pointed to the road that went straight ahead and said “this is the way, walk in it.” And he disappeared. Then I noticed the drone overhead again as I walked down the road.
I finally arrived at my destination, the great City of Choices! I see many choices and doors I could walk through. Some of them are very attractive and are calling out to me. “Walk through this door, it is open for you.” “This door will make you rich, come learn how!” “There is a lot of fun behind this gate, life won’t be boring.” I was confused by so many choices and how everyone was trying to get me into their gate. However, I had been told that there is one gate that is by far the best, as some of the others lead to destruction or at best will bring about a neutralized and sterile life. I looked for some help as I started feeling overwhelmed, and then once again I noticed the drone above me. I called out to the drone and then it was right there above me hovering. “Can you show me the best and true gate that leads to life?” I asked. The drone slowly moved through the crowds with me and we got away from all the hubbub and into a garden area where there is a small gate under a large red rose bush.
Suddenly the man I had seen at the crossroads is standing there and points at the gate. “This is the door! If you knock on it, the door will be opened, your name will be called and you will be ushered in! And He disappeared.
As I ponder….. Why is the best gate so hard to find? Why were so many things trying to keep me from that gate? If I am an infant or child I would choose play land. If I am an adult, I will debate if it would be best to make money first and then check out the small door and what is behind there. As a parent, I am interested in life, so I am going to knock. What would a wise person do? How far would I have made it if it wasn’t for the drone? Was the gentle wise drone God’s Holy Spirit in de skys ? What would a fool do? Try to shoot down the drone? What will I do?