Our faith is based on PRINCIPLES that Jesus taught.
There are only 2 Basic Principles as taught by Jesus.
Religion teaches and relies on Rules and Law. Try as hard as I might this approach will never work. Our tendency is to try and make the Principles into Laws.
Principles are a Heart issue and are written on my heart and come from my heart. Law is written on paper to be checked off if I do the task correctly.
I am not capable of loving God if I do not understand His vast and intense love for me.
2. LOVE each other as I am capable of loving myself;
I am only capable of loving others to the extent and to the capacity that I have of loving my self. And, right now I don’t even like myself.
It becomes clear that if I have suffered trauma, or if I have missed basic developmental relational skills as I grew up, that I feel trapped in the state of Trying; I may just feel like giving up. My ability to love and how I express love is determined to a great extent by how RM (relationally mature) I am.
So, is there a way out of this hapless state? What and where is my “heart” anyway? The missing pieces to my puzzle are hidden in this website …. I just have to search.
Is there a way for me to obtain Love and then to Keep My Love ON? Hmmm Yes, but I’m going to have to go after it!