My daughter says that my home page is more like a leento than a home…. So, I am working on it. This is an active website with new Meditations being posted daily. All the categories are being developed, updated, revised, and added to on a regular basis. So, continue to check out any category you may be interested in as it most likely has been updated. Hopefully you find this an enjoyable site where you can learn and obtain valuable, essential, relational skills!! The Bold highlights are for emphasis as to how I was spoken to; Add your own highlights as you read, learn, and are spoken to!
Let’s see,,,, What I really want in this website is to have a place where we can all come and learn about RM (relational maturity). Understanding the level of my relational maturity helps me see how I view the world and everyone in it. As I attune to you, I can now see the relational maturity level you have and how I can connect with you! This is called mind sight. Before now, I never understood why there is so much disconnect in relationships. Now I know that while I may be at a “child” level of maturity, you may be at an adult level so there is most likely going to be some disconnect. It is so freeing for me to now know how to identify and relate to all the RM (relational maturity) levels!
So, Welcome! As you enter this open leento, feel free to take off your sandals, sit down and put your feet up by the campfire and stop the swirl of life. Let’s quiet ourselves and meditate together. I am writing a meditation every day and I would love for us to attune to each other and the meditation and to God’s Spirit. Let’s enter our time with our RCs (relational circuits) on! We will then have great interaction with each other and with God!
Then go “Do the Day” God has for you! Or stay and select a tent where different teachings on Life and Relational Maturity are being taught. Our instructor today is Holy Spirit who promises to breathe New Life on us all!
Stay as long as you would like! Lunch will be served in the mess tent if you are still here at the dinner bell. Today we are serving fresh manna with a side of quail and refreshing cold water right out of the Rock!